Excavators are powerful machines, which makes them incredibly productive but also potentially dangerous. Use the following tips to set yourself up for a safe excavator experience.

1. Get the Proper Training

Operating an excavator requires specialized training and a good understanding of how the given model works. Be sure to get trained by a professional before attempting to operate one yourself. If it's been a while since you've been trained, you might be due for a refresher course.

2. Keep Your Excavator Well-Maintained

Like all machines, excavators require regular maintenance to stay in good working condition. A broken or worn down part can end up causing a safety situation (not to mention equipment damage). Be sure to regularly maintain your excavator, which will lead to maximized performance as well as a safer work environment.

3. Inspect the Excavator Before Using It

Before using your excavator, it's important to do a thorough inspection of the machine. This includes checking for any loose parts or damage that could potentially cause problems during use. It's much better to catch a problem before it turns into a safety risk!

4. Check the Work Area for Obstacles

Before starting your excavator, it's important to survey the work area for any potential obstacles. This includes things like power lines, trees, and other equipment that could get in the way. By taking note of the various obstacles, you will be better able to safely navigate them.

For all of your excavator needs, contact the experts at Cascade Trader. We carry excavators for sale and our service department can keep your equipment running well. Whatever you need, we are here to help! Simply contact us or stop by our dealership in Chehalis, Washington. We also proudly serve those in Olympia, Washington.